First we start from a basic beamer setup:
Now, first we need to add some latex packages (enumitem and pifont) and then we can try it out. I also like to change the color of my bullet points, so I will define a color pink (you can use the generic latex colors as well). Main work is
And check out the difference:
To use it multiple times in your document, you will have to include the [label= ..] after each \begin{itemize}. Here I used number 40 which is a plane, but there are loads of other cool characters, just pick your favorite.
I use number 93 in all of my presentations these days. As I have it saved in my basic presentation layout, I don’t need to remember all this or search on google every time I make a presentation, my bullet points always come out as pretty flowers (but still quite subtle). I hope you enjoy them as much as I do :)
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